Introduction to C

Introduction to C

Introduction to C

Written by: saeed1907057

Sun, 03 Nov 2024

"No matter which field of work you want to go in, it is of great importance to learn at least one programming language."
― Ram Ray


  • Our goal is NOT to teach you everything about the language C.
  • Our goal is to make you understand
    • How computer interpret a language,
    • How the language get executed,
    • What a language can do

What is programming?

Programming is the process of creating instructions for a computer to follow, to perform specific tasks/goal. Let us understand via a simple real-life example:

  • Our goal is to teach a robot to make tea.
  • Assumption:
    • Hardware part is handled by system.
    • We will focus on software part only.
  • Before we continue, remember
    • Computer is dumb, it doesn't know what to do until a clear, precise instruction is given.
    • For example:
      • We can't just ask computer to take two numbers from user, and perform addition, then show the result.
      • It's a vague instruction.
      • What can be the precise instructions then? -----(a)
        • Allocate two memory addresses,
        • Take the first number and store in the first address,
        • Take the second number and store in the second address,
        • Add those two numbers and save in another memory address,
        • Show the result to user from the memory location.
      • You may still think, the precise instructions are not precise enough. Yes, they are not. Because
        • Dumb computer don't know how to allocate memory addresses,
        • We have to tell how to do each and every sub step to complete a step.
        • Fortunately, these are done by operating system and the programming language.
        • So, at the language level, instructions at (a) can be considered as precise for that language.
  • Back to teaching a robot to make tea
    • The robot is as dumb as the computer. So we have to give it clear, step-by-step instructions.
    • Let us see how it might look in programming terms in each step: The instructions are to ask robot to
      • Boil Water
      • pour hot water into a cup
      • Add a tea bag
      • Wait to give the tea some time to get properly brewed.
      • Add Sugar or Milk (if required)
      • Serve
  • In summary:
    • Programming is the process of giving computers specific instructions to solve problems or perform tasks.
    • It is like writing a detailed list of steps for the computer to follow, which allows it to do things automatically, like performing calculations, organizing data, or running apps and games.

What is programming language?

  • A set of instruction to enable human to communicate with computer.
  • Remember, computer only understand 0 and 1. And it's very hard for us to write instruction using 0,1 only.
  • Here a programming language saves us by allowing us to write instructions without dealing with low level machine code(0,1).
  • So, programming language stays in between us and computer. We write instrucitons using the language, then the compiler(discussed later) converts the instructions into binary code.
  • As it is a language, so it has its own structure and syntax for defining instructions. Right?

Comparison of High-Level and Low-Level Languages

  • Programming languages can be categorized into high-level and low-level languages, each serving different purposes in software development.
  • High-level languages are closer to human languages and are designed to be more programmer-friendly.
  • Whereas low-level languages are closer to machine code and are more efficient for hardware-level programming.
  • The following table outlines the key differences between these two types of languages.
FeatureHigh-Level LanguageLow-Level Language
Programmer FriendlinessIt is programmer-friendly.It is machine-friendly.
Memory EfficiencyLess memory efficient.High memory efficient.
Ease of UnderstandingEasy to understand.Tough to understand.
DebuggingDebugging is easy.Debugging is complex comparatively.
MaintenanceSimple to maintain.Complex to maintain comparatively.
Translation RequirementNeeds a compiler or interpreter.Needs an assembler.
UsageWidely used for programming.Not commonly used in modern programming.

What is C?

  • It is a programming language.
  • It allows us to work closely with the computer’s hardware.
  • It gives us direct control over memory through features like pointers (variables that store memory addresses) and let us perform operations to manipulate data at the memory level.
  • C is widely used in building Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Game Development, Compiler Development etc.

Why C?

  • It helps us to understand how computer works at low level.
  • It helps us understand the core programming concepts, like managing memory and working with low-level data, which are essential for developing efficient software.
  • Many modern languages, like C++, Java, and Python are directly influenced by C’s syntax and structure.
  • So understanding C makes it much easier to learn these languages and grasp advanced programming principles.

Structure of a C Program

The structure of a C program is divided into six main sections, each of which serves a specific purpose. This organized approach makes programs easier to read, modify, document, and debug.

  • Documentation

    The documentation section provides information about the program, such as its description, author name, and creation date. This information is placed in the form of comments at the beginning of the program. Documentation is ignored by the compiler and serves as a guide for anyone reading the code.

    // Program: Sum of two numbers
    // Author: Your Name
    // Date: YYYY-MM-DD
        Program: Sum of two numbers
        Author: Your Name
        Date: YYYY-MM-DD
        Description: This program calculates the sum of two numbers.
  • Header Files

    Header files contain declarations of standard library functions, macros, and types. Including them in a program enables access to predefined functionality, such as input/output operations, mathematical functions, and memory allocation.


    #include <stdio.h>    // Standard I/O library for functions like printf() and scanf()
    #include <stdlib.h>   // Standard library for memory allocation and process control
    #include <math.h>     // Math library for functions like sqrt(), pow(), etc.
  • Definition

    Preprocessors are programs that process source code before compilation. There are multiple steps involved in writing and executing a program. Preprocessor directives start with the # symbol. The #define preprocessor is used to create a constant throughout the program. Whenever this name is encountered by the compiler, it is replaced by the actual piece of defined code.


    #define PI 3.14
  • Global Declaration

    The global declaration section contains global variables, function declarations, and static variables. Variables and functions declared in this scope can be used anywhere in the program.


    int num = 18;
  • Main() Function

    Every C program must have a main function. The main() function of the program is written in this section. Operations such as declaration and execution are performed inside the curly braces of the main program. The return type of the main() function can be either int or void. The void main() tells the compiler that the program will not return any value, while int main() indicates that the program will return an integer value.


    void main()
  • Sub Programs

    User-defined functions are called in this section of the program. The control of the program is shifted to the called function whenever it is invoked from the main() or outside the main() function. These functions are specified according to the requirements of the programmer.


    int sum(int x, int y)
        return x + y;

Structure of a C Program with Example

  • Example: Below is a C program to find the sum of two numbers:

    // Documentation
    * file: sum.c
    * author: you
    * description: program to find sum.
    // Link
    #include <stdio.h>      
    // Definition
    #define X 20 
    // Global Declaration
    int sum(int y);   
    // Main() Function
    int main(void)       
        int y = 55;
        printf("Sum: %d", sum(y));
        return 0;
    // Subprogram
    int sum(int y) 
        return y + X;
  • Output:

  • Explanation of the Above Program Below is the explanation of the program, describing its meaning and use.

    * file: sum.c
    * author: you
    * description: program to find sum.
    This is the comment section and part of the documentation for the code.
    #include <stdio.h>This header file is used for standard input-output. It belongs to the preprocessor section.
    #define X 20This is the definition section. It allows the use of the constant X in the code.
    int sum(int y);This is the global declaration section, which includes the function declaration that can be used anywhere in the program.
    int main()The main() function is the first function executed in a C program.
    {…}These curly braces mark the beginning and end of the main function.
    printf("Sum: %d", sum(y));The printf() function is used to print the sum on the screen.
    return 0;Since int is used as the return type, we must return 0, indicating that the program executed successfully without errors.
    int sum(int y)
    return y + X;
    This is the subprogram section, which includes the user-defined function that is called in the main() function.

First C program

  • Let us create a simple program that will print "Hello World!" to the console.
  • Code:
    #include <stdio.h>   // Includes standard I/O library
    int main() {         // Main function starts here
        printf("Hello, World!\n");  // Print statement
        return 0;        // Program ends, returning 0 to the OS
  • Explanation:
    • #include <stdio.h>: Includes the standard input-output library for using printf.
    • int main(): Declares the main function where execution begins.
    • printf("Hello, World!\n");: Prints "Hello, World!" followed by a newline character.
    • return 0;: Indicates successful completion of the program.

Program Execution

This is the part where our code written in C, is converted into computer understandable format. In short, it does the translation from C code to binary code. The steps are:

  • Writing the Code

    • At first, we write the C code in a text editor and saves it with a .c extension.
    • Let us solve a problem that convert degree into radian.
    • Let's name the file bit2byte.c with the following content(No need to understand now):
      #define PI 3.14159
      int main(){
          float angle;
          // Taking the angle input from user in degree
          scanf("%f", &angle);
          // Converting into radian
          float rad = (PI / 180) * angle;
          printf("Angle in radian is %f\n", rad);
          return 0;
  • Preprocessing

    • This steps involves the following substeps:
      • Remove comment(discussed later) from code.
        • //comment and /*comment*/ are removed.
        • Before:
          // Taking the angle input from user in degree
        • After:
      • Expand macros.
        • Constant defined using #define are replaced with it values in the program.
        • Before:
          float rad = (PI / 180) * angle;
        • After:
          float rad = (3.14159 / 180) * angle;
      • Expansion of included files.
        • Content of the header file is added inside the program.
        • Before:
        • All content from the stdio.h is added into the bit2byte.c file.
        • After: (Note there are many other functions. For simplicity we are showing only two)(Only two are used in our code).
          void printf(const char *format, ...);
          int scanf(const char *format, ...);
      • Conditional compilation.
        • #ifdef, #endif are part are processed here based on definition.
        • Before:
          #define DEBUG
          #ifdef DEBUG
              printf("Debugging information.\n");
        • After:(since DEBUG is defined).
          printf("Debugging information.\n");
    • Output after preprocessing:(bit2byte.i)
      # 1 "bit2byte.c"
      # 1 "<built-in>"
      # 1 "<command-line>"
      # 1 "bit2byte.c"
      ... ... ...
      int main(){
          float angle;
          scanf("%f", &angle);
          float rad = (3.14159 / 180) * angle;
          printf("Angle in radian is %f\n", rad);
          return 0;
    • We can get the code by running the following command in the folder containing the .c file:
      gcc -E bit2byte.c -o bit2byte.i
  • Compilation

    • The compiler translates the preprocessed code from C into assembly language (low-level language)
    • It checks for syntax errors and optimize the code for efficiency.
    • If errors are found, the compiler provides messages containing the error message.
    • Output after compiling the preprocessed file:(bit2byte.s)
          .file    "bit2byte.c"
          .def    __main;    .scl    2;    .type    32;    .endef
          .section .rdata,"dr"
      ... ... ...
          .long    -1525816720
          .long    1066524485
          .ident    "GCC: (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0"
          .def    scanf;    .scl    2;    .type    32;    .endef
          .def    printf;    .scl    2;    .type    32;    .endef
    • Command for getting the assembly code
      gcc -S bit2byte.i -o bit2byte.s
  • Assembly

    • The assembler converts the assembly code into machine code, creating an object file.
    • Output after generating machine code(bit2byte.o)
      d†      ~        .text           p   ,  $           P`.data                               @ PÀ.bss                                € PÀ.rdata          0   œ              @ P@.xdata             Ì              @ 0@.pdata             Ø  `         @ 0@/4              @   ä              @ P@UH‰åHƒì0è    HEøH‰ÂH
      è    óEøóZÈò    òYÁòZÐóUüóZEüfH~ÀH‰ÂfHnÊH‰ÂH
         è    ¸    HƒÄ0]А%f Angle in radian is %f
      ¥Eß‘?        RP      j       GCC: (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0                
       [                             .file       þÿ  gbit2byte.c        main                             .text          j                .data                            .bss                             .rdata         (                 .xdata                          .pdata                                        ?                 __main           scanf            printf              .rdata$zzz .rdata$zzz 
    • Command for generating the object file:
      gcc -c bit2byte.s -o bit2byte.o
  • Linking

    • The linker combines object files and libraries to produce a complete executable file, typically named output.out on Unix/Linux or output.exe on Windows.
    • Few lines of the output(output.exe)
      MZ       ÿÿ  ¸       @                                   €   º ´    Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
      $       PE  d†     J!g h  œ  ð ' 
    • Why the output contains other things except 0,1? It actually contains 0,1 only. But our editor tries to show us in human readable format. Thats why we are seeing something strange, instead of random.
    • Command for generating:
      gcc bit2byte.o -o output
  • Loading

    • When we run the output.exe file, the loader is invoked.
    • The operating system loads the executable file into memory, allocating space for the code and data.
    • Command for running(windows):
    • We can see the same behaviour as if we are running the code from ide.
  • Execution

    • After the program is loaded into memory, the CPU start execution from entry point main() function, and interacts with the system until it completes or is terminated.
  • Termination

    • The program ends with an exit status to the operating system(usually 0 for success), and the OS frees any used resourcess.

main() function

  • Remember, our code can have different function and instructions between them.
  • We can't start executing randomly from anywhere. It doesn't make sense.
  • That's why the main() function is executed at the first.
  • This is the entry point of our code.

This is a comment 1.


This is a comment 2.